Veronica With Four Eyes


How I Manage Dysgraphia In Online Classes

How I Manage Dysgraphia In Online Classes

While a lot of people associate dysgraphia with illegible or hard-to-read handwriting, dysgraphia can often extend to difficulties with typing and other types of written expression as well. Even though I type all of my notes and assignments for my online classes, my dysgraphia doesn’t…

How I Use Microsoft Lens With Low Vision

How I Use Microsoft Lens With Low Vision

Take notes and create accessible materials in about 90 seconds with Microsoft Office Lens

How To Modify Accessible Anatomy Graphics For Low Vision

How To Modify Accessible Anatomy Graphics For Low Vision

When I first published this post in 2019, I was researching solutions on how to modify anatomy diagrams for the visually impaired (inclusive of low vision/blind) for a friend with low vision studying kinesiology. Since then, my friend has become a Doctor of Physical Therapy,…

How To Use Dictation As Assistive Technology With Mainstream Devices

How To Use Dictation As Assistive Technology With Mainstream Devices

I use dictation as assistive technology frequently when I am using mainstream technology devices such as my computer, phone, and tablet. Also known as speech-to-text, dictation tools take spoken words, numbers, punctuation, and other formatting information as input, and transcribes the audio as text that…

How To Create A Custom Android Home Screen With Microsoft Launcher

How To Create A Custom Android Home Screen With Microsoft Launcher

I’ve been designing my own custom Android home screens for over ten years now, and first started exploring the concept of making Android phones easier to use with low vision when I was a sophomore in high school. My first custom home screen design featured…

How I Use Microsoft Immersive Reader With Low Vision

How I Use Microsoft Immersive Reader With Low Vision

One of my all-time favorite low vision assistive technology tools is the simplified reading display, which applies a consistent text style, size, and background color to digital text. I use a few different simplified reading displays across different devices, but my favorite one is the…

Questions To Ask When Choosing A Laptop For College

Questions To Ask When Choosing A Laptop For College

I received a message from a reader asking if I had any tips for choosing a laptop for college, because they were interested in finding the “best” laptop for their soon-to-be college student. While I can’t recommend a specific laptop brand or model that would…

How I Set Up My Tech Internship Desk: PM Intern With Low Vision

How I Set Up My Tech Internship Desk: PM Intern With Low Vision

When I interned at Microsoft as a program management intern in 2019, one of the first questions my mentor had for me was how I wanted to set up my tech internship desk as a PM intern with low vision and photophobia. At first, I…

Creative Uses For Microsoft Office Sway: Post Round Up

Creative Uses For Microsoft Office Sway: Post Round Up

One of my favorite things that I’ve written about on Veronica With Four Eyes is all about creative uses for Microsoft Office Sway, especially using Microsoft Office Sway with low vision or for low vision audiences. Below, I am linking a preview of some of…

Helpful Ways To Bookmark Websites For Low Vision Users

Helpful Ways To Bookmark Websites For Low Vision Users

There are a few websites I visit daily or multiple times a week, such as my WordPress dashboard, school website, and digital services from my public library. Instead of having a bunch of tiny icons crammed onto my Favorites tab, I wanted to find more…

How To Make Text Cursors Easier To See In Windows

How To Make Text Cursors Easier To See In Windows

I received an email from a Teacher of the Visually Impaired who was wondering how to make text cursors easier to see in Windows 10. While they knew all about the large mouse pointers available in Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices, they had no…

All About Visual Assistance Apps For Visually Impaired

All About Visual Assistance Apps For Visually Impaired

Visual assistance apps, sometimes called visual interpreting apps, are tools that connect users who are blind or visually impaired with people or technology that can help them to get information about something that they would not be able to see otherwise. Visual assistance apps for…

Creating Take-Away Documents With Microsoft Office Sway

Creating Take-Away Documents With Microsoft Office Sway

One of my favorite ways to create takeaway documents and handouts after meetings and presentations is with the Microsoft Office Sway web application, which makes it easy for presenters and audience members alike to access content with their favorite assistive technologies. Here are my tips…

My Talk At I’m Determined Summit: Crash Course In Immersive Reader

My Talk At I’m Determined Summit: Crash Course In Immersive Reader

As part of my work as the Microsoft Content Specialist for AIM-VA and as a Microsoft Certified Educator, I had the opportunity to present a short talk as part of the AT Lab at the I’m Determined Summit, a virtual conference for students with disabilities…

How I Optimize Microsoft Office Sway Designs For Low Vision

How I Optimize Microsoft Office Sway Designs For Low Vision

I’ve spent lots of time talking about how to create accessible content with the free Microsoft Office Sway tool, but one topic I haven’t spoken about much is how I design Sway documents for low vision audiences. I tend to use the same design elements…