Veronica With Four Eyes

How To Make Text Cursors Easier To See In Windows

I received an email from a Teacher of the Visually Impaired who was wondering how to make text cursors easier to see in Windows 10. While they knew all about the large mouse pointers available in Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices, they had no idea that there were also multiple options for improving text cursor accessibility for low vision. Here are my tips for how to make text cursors easier to see in Windows, using built-in device settings.

Add a text cursor indicator

Windows 10 and Windows 11 now have a text cursor indicator feature that adds a circular anchor to the top and bottom of the cursor so that it is easier to see on the screen- in my opinion, the shape resembles a seashell. The text cursor indicator is available in 5 sizes and I am currently using size 2.

How to add a text cursor indicator in Windows

  1. Open the Ease of Access menu in Settings
  2. Search for the Text Cursor option, or select Text Cursor from the list of options in the Vision section
  3. Select the slider to turn on text cursor indicator
  4. Adjust the size using the slider below the preview box.

Change the color of the cursor indicator

To make the cursor indicator easier to see, users can change the text cursor indicator color from a pre-set list of colors or choose their own custom color. The default color for the custom colors is blue, though I am using a custom purple color that resembles the color of my website.

How to change the text cursor indicator color in Windows

  1. Open the Ease of Access menu in Settings
  2. Search for the Text Cursor option, or select Text Cursor from the list of options in the Vision section
  3. Underneath the slider to choose the text cursor indicator size, choose a pre-set color for the indicator color or add a custom color with RGB, HEX, or HSV values.

Increase the thickness of the text cursor

By default, the text cursor is a thin line that can be difficult to locate on the screen for users with low vision. One of the options for making the text cursors easier to see is to increase the thickness of the cursor so that it is a large rectangle. There are 20 different thicknesses available for the cursor thickness in the Ease of Access menu, and I would use a size “8” on my own computer and computers in my college labs.


  1. Open the Ease of Access menu in Settings
  2. Search for the Text Cursor option, or select Text Cursor from the list of options in the Vision section
  3. Adjust the slider to increase the text cursor thickness

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Use a high contrast theme

A high contrast theme or high contrast mode uses a limited color palette with contrasting colors to make an interface easier to use. This is different than using an inverted display, though some high contrast themes resemble inverted displays by having a dark background with white/light-colored text. One of the benefits of using a high-contrast theme is that it is easier to change the text highlight color and cursor color, which is beneficial for users who have difficulty with the traditional blue text highlight color when selecting text.

How to enable high contrast theme

To enable high contrast themes in Windows 10 and above, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the Settings menu
  2. In the search bar, type “high contrast settings” and select the first option
  3. Select the slider to turn on high contrast
  4. Alternatively, press the alt key on the left side of the spacebar, along with the left shift key and print screen key

Users can also go to the Ease of Access center and find high contrast options underneath the “Vision” section.

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Change cursor blink rate

Some people may find that the text cursor blinks too quickly or slowly for them to be able to see it, or that the text cursor may make them disoriented if it is flickering too quickly. While this isn’t part of the Ease of Access menu, users can still change the cursor blink rate within the Control Panel.

How to change the cursor blink rate in Windows

  1. Open the start menu and search for “cursor blink rate”
  2. In the Keyboard Properties dialog box, drag the slider to choose a cursor blink rate speed. There are 12 different options, ranging from None to Fast
  3. Select the Apply button to apply the cursor blink rate settings, and click OK to close the dialog box.

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Bonus- adjust the size/color of the mouse pointer

Users can customize the mouse pointer size and color so that it is easier to locate on the screen. I recommend choosing a pointer color that is different than the computer wallpaper or other device colors so that it is easier to locate on the screen. I use a size “6” cursor on my desktop computer in turquoise.


  1. Open the Ease of Access menu in Settings
  2. Search for the Mouse Pointer option, or select Mouse Pointer from the list of options in the Vision section
  3. Move the slider to your desired size

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More posts on Windows accessibility

Want to learn more about Windows 10 accessibility for low vision? Check out these posts:

How to make the text cursor easier to see in Windows 10 and Windows 11, using built in device settings for users with low vision.