Veronica With Four Eyes

Google and Android

A to Z of Assistive Technology for Reading Digital Text

A to Z of Assistive Technology for Reading Digital Text

When I’m doing research on assistive technology for reading digital text or eBooks, I often search for specific display customization options or accessibility features to determine if this app will be useful for me or for a student/client I’m working with. With students and clients,…

Omnivore App Accessibility and Low Vision

Omnivore App Accessibility and Low Vision

Bookmarking tools are a great way to organize and save web content for later reading, and I use them frequently when conducting research for projects in my grad school classes or for other projects related to my website or other interests. When researching accessible bookmarking…

Google Reader Mode and Low Vision

Google Reader Mode and Low Vision

For Google Chrome browser users and Android users, Google offers a free simplified reading display application, which applies a consistent font size, font style, and background color to digital text. Reader Mode is a built-in feature for the Google Chrome web browser that can be…

Solar Eclipse Accessibility Resources: Assistive Technology For Blind and Low Vision

Solar Eclipse Accessibility Resources: Assistive Technology For Blind and Low Vision

My review of the Eclipse Soundscapes app on iPad and Android, and how it helped me understand a really cool event

Mainstream eReader Apps and Low Vision Accessibility

Mainstream eReader Apps and Low Vision Accessibility

Mainstream eReader apps have several low vision accessibility features that allow users to access digital books they have purchased from an online retailer or borrowed from a digital library service. While some applications have limits on what books can be read on their platform (i.e…

Language Learning Tips And Resources For Low Vision

Language Learning Tips And Resources For Low Vision

Many of my friends speak two or more languages, and enjoy teaching me how to say various words and phrases in other languages. Sometimes, these lead to me learning something useful, while other times my friends seem to have fun teaching me random slang words…

Using The Envision App With Low Vision

Using The Envision App With Low Vision

I’m always looking for new functions and ways to use different features in visual assistance applications, and first downloaded the Envision app a few years ago when my friend was raving about its text recognition features at a low vision accessibility event we were both…

How I Use Microsoft Lens With Low Vision

How I Use Microsoft Lens With Low Vision

Take notes and create accessible materials in about 90 seconds with Microsoft Office Lens

How To Use Dictation As Assistive Technology With Mainstream Devices

How To Use Dictation As Assistive Technology With Mainstream Devices

I use dictation as assistive technology frequently when I am using mainstream technology devices such as my computer, phone, and tablet. Also known as speech-to-text, dictation tools take spoken words, numbers, punctuation, and other formatting information as input, and transcribes the audio as text that…

How To Create A Custom Android Home Screen With Microsoft Launcher

How To Create A Custom Android Home Screen With Microsoft Launcher

I’ve been designing my own custom Android home screens for over ten years now, and first started exploring the concept of making Android phones easier to use with low vision when I was a sophomore in high school. My first custom home screen design featured…

Mainstream Technology and Low Vision: Keyboards

Mainstream Technology and Low Vision: Keyboards

While many people associate assistive technology with specialized devices that are expensive or hard to find, many mainstream technology devices have started supporting accessibility features and built-in assistive technology that can make specialty tools more financially and publicly accessible for all. I spend a large…

TumbleBooks: Audio Narrated Picture Books For Low Vision

TumbleBooks: Audio Narrated Picture Books For Low Vision

When I first learned about TumbleBooks and their online audio narrated picture books, one of the first questions I had was “where was this when I was a kid?” I have a print disability that makes it near impossible for me to read books in…

Five Accessible Calculator Apps For Low Vision

Five Accessible Calculator Apps For Low Vision

I was first introduced to the world of calculator applications for low vision when I was in middle school and discovered that I couldn’t see the graphing calculator that was used in my Algebra 1 class. The buttons on the calculator had a small font…

Smartphone Apps For Orientation and Mobility

Smartphone Apps For Orientation and Mobility

My favorite tool for O&M and independent navigation as a person with low vision isn’t my blindness cane- it’s my Android smartphone. While I love my blindness cane and all of the ways that it helps me to navigate my community on my own or…

Mainstream Technology and Low Vision: Smartphones

Mainstream Technology and Low Vision: Smartphones

While many people associate assistive technology with specialized devices that are expensive or hard to find, many mainstream technology devices have started supporting accessibility features and built-in assistive technology that can make specialty tools more financially and publicly accessible for all. Smartphones are a great…