Veronica With Four Eyes

Tag: organization

Wakelet Accessibility Features For Low Vision

Wakelet Accessibility Features For Low Vision

I created my first Wakelet account several years ago after attending a virtual presentation on Wakelet accessibility features, but I didn’t really use it very often until I completed the free self-paced Wakelet Certified course and discovered how I could Wakelet not only with assistive…

How I Use Send-To-Kindle With Low Vision

How I Use Send-To-Kindle With Low Vision

One of my favorite things about the free Amazon Kindle app is the Send-to-Kindle feature, which offers an easy way to sideload content and does not require users to have a Kindle device. Send To Kindle content is added to the device library and can…

Free Digital Bookmarking Tools For Low Vision

Free Digital Bookmarking Tools For Low Vision

I started using digital bookmarking tools and bookmarking apps to organize research sources, website links, and other multimedia content after I realized that my previous strategy of adding everything to my bookmarks or copying links into a single document wasn’t particularly effective. Learning to use…

Tips For Keeping A Dorm Room Clean With Chronic Illness

Tips For Keeping A Dorm Room Clean With Chronic Illness

I recently came across a conversation thread on social media talking about how difficult it can be to keep a dorm room clean with chronic illness and how having a messy dorm can be frustrating not only for visitors, but for the person living in…

How I Use The Stylebook App With Low Vision

How I Use The Stylebook App With Low Vision

I started using the Stylebook app during my freshman year of college to keep my clothes organized and put together outfits inspired by Pinterest without having to take several items out of my tiny dorm closet and messing up my room. While my closet has…

Organizing A Bedroom Closet For Vision Loss

Organizing A Bedroom Closet For Vision Loss

I received an email from a parent asking if I had any tips for organizing a bedroom closet for someone who is blind or that has low vision, as they felt that their child was having trouble with finding items in their closet and they…

Organizing A Walk-In Closet With Vision Loss

Organizing A Walk-In Closet With Vision Loss

Now that I am no longer living in a dorm, I have access to a large, walk-in closet where I can store all of my clothes, accessories, shoes, and other items. When I recently moved my items into a different closet, I found myself thinking…

How To Organize and Identify Cords For Low Vision

How To Organize and Identify Cords For Low Vision

One day, my friend came to visit my dorm and started panicking over the fact that I hadn’t organized the cords and cables for my various electronic devices. They asked me if I knew anything about how to organize and identify cords and cables for…

How I Organize Digital Files For My Classes

How I Organize Digital Files For My Classes

During my senior year of high school, I went from having a few virtual classes each year to a truly hybrid online class schedule, where 50% or more of my classes were online. This continued throughout undergrad in college, before I transitioned to having all…

How I Decorate My Dorm Room With Low Vision

How I Decorate My Dorm Room With Low Vision

I lived in on-campus dorm housing for four years in college, and one of my favorite parts of preparing for the new school year was thinking about how I would decorate my dorm. While a lot of the items in my dorm room remained the…

What’s In My Backpack: Program Management Intern With Low Vision

What’s In My Backpack: Program Management Intern With Low Vision

In 2019, I interned at Microsoft on the Excel team, where I helped outline the redesign of a feature that makes it easier for users to locate patterns in a given dataset. Someone had asked me about what I bring to work as a program…

Tips To Stay Organized In Virtual Classes

Tips To Stay Organized In Virtual Classes

I took sixteen virtual classes in high school and over three dozen hybrid or fully virtual classes during college, and often prefer online classes over in-person ones because I find it easier to stay organized and use assistive technology. I know a lot of students…

How I Organize Emails In College

How I Organize Emails In College

One of the questions I received at a talk I gave on important technology skills to have before college was about email organization strategies and how to keep up with email. It’s important to know how to keep email organized, especially in college, and I…

How I Arrange My iPad Homescreen

How I Arrange My iPad Homescreen

The other day, my friend and I were talking about our favorite apps on our iPads, which led to another discussion about how I arrange my iPad homescreen so that it isn’t overwhelming for someone with a vision impairment. My friend, who also has low…

Organizing A Dorm Mini Fridge With Low Vision

Organizing A Dorm Mini Fridge With Low Vision

While living in a college dorm, I had a mini fridge that I kept next to my desk for storing snacks, small meals, drinks, and ice packs. Having a smaller fridge can make things easier to locate, but organizing a dorm mini fridge is still…