Veronica With Four Eyes

Tag: class

Omnivore App Accessibility and Low Vision

Omnivore App Accessibility and Low Vision

Bookmarking tools are a great way to organize and save web content for later reading, and I use them frequently when conducting research for projects in my grad school classes or for other projects related to my website or other interests. When researching accessible bookmarking…

How To Create Accessible Videos and Narrated Images With Clips

How To Create Accessible Videos and Narrated Images With Clips

Since the Shadow Puppet app shut down and is no longer supported, I’ve been working on creating a more in-depth guide on how to create free accessible videos and narrated images with Clips, one of Apple’s video editing applications available for iPhone and iPad. One…

Classroom Technology That Benefits Low Vision Students

Classroom Technology That Benefits Low Vision Students

When designing a classroom with inclusion in mind, there are several different types of classroom technology that can help all learners, but especially learners that have low vision. I had a high school teacher that commented on how modifying assignments and classroom tech for one…

How To Request a Course Substitution or Course Waiver In College

How To Request a Course Substitution or Course Waiver In College

One of the things that I love about my college is that there are hundreds of classes available for students to take that cover a wide variety of topics and areas of interest. While there are certain classes that a student may need to take…

Using The iPad Markup Tool With Low Vision

Using The iPad Markup Tool With Low Vision

After I was helping them fill out several pages of medical paperwork, one of my friends asked me about my experience using the iPad Markup tool with low vision, as they knew that I frequently use it to write on forms that I receive over…

What’s In My Backpack: Commuting To Satellite Campus

What’s In My Backpack: Commuting To Satellite Campus

When I was an information technology major, I had to commute to a satellite campus of my university for four of my major-specific classes. My dorm was located about 25-30 minutes away on the main campus, and I would take a campus shuttle to get…

Ten Tech Skills Every College Student Needs For Virtual Classes

Ten Tech Skills Every College Student Needs For Virtual Classes

Recently, I received a message from a Teacher of the Visually Impaired asking about the most common tech skills for virtual classes that I use in college, as they were helping to prepare their students for taking online and hybrid classes in college by giving…

Middle School Classrooms and Low Vision: Designing Accessible Classrooms Series

Middle School Classrooms and Low Vision: Designing Accessible Classrooms Series

Last semester, I had the opportunity to work with an elementary school-aged student and their teachers to help implement various accessibility tools within the classroom. After observing how the student moved around the classroom, I created a plan to help make their classroom more inclusive…

Elementary School Classrooms And Low Vision: Designing Accessible Classrooms Series

Elementary School Classrooms And Low Vision: Designing Accessible Classrooms Series

Last semester, I had the opportunity to work with an elementary school-aged student and their teachers to help implement various accessibility tools within the classroom. After observing how the student moved around the classroom, I created a plan to help make their classroom more inclusive…

Remote Testing Accommodations For Low Vision

Remote Testing Accommodations For Low Vision

Instead of traveling to the Disability Services testing center on-campus or taking exams in a traditional classroom environment, many of my professors and professional certification exams provide students with remote testing options that allow them to take exams from home with their own technology. My…

My Talk At I’m Determined Summit: Crash Course In Immersive Reader

My Talk At I’m Determined Summit: Crash Course In Immersive Reader

As part of my work as the Microsoft Content Specialist for AIM-VA and as a Microsoft Certified Educator, I had the opportunity to present a short talk as part of the AT Lab at the I’m Determined Summit, a virtual conference for students with disabilities…

How I Create Citations For Research Papers

How I Create Citations For Research Papers

Over the years, I have had several awesome teachers and professors who have helped me learn how to write essays and research papers for my classes quickly and efficiently. Because of them, I have earned consistently high scores on all of my writing assignments and…

My Favorite Web Browser Extensions For Virtual Learning

My Favorite Web Browser Extensions For Virtual Learning

After taking over three dozen virtual classes and countless more online hybrid classes, I have learned firsthand how using web browser extensions for virtual learning can make a huge difference in how well I do in my virtual classes. While these extensions don’t help me…

My Favorite Tips For Attending Live Video Lectures

My Favorite Tips For Attending Live Video Lectures

In recent times, many of my friends have been asking me for tips on attending live video lectures and attending classes remotely with video chat. I’ve attended many of my college classes via video chat in the past, and have also given guest lectures over…

How I Attend College Classes Remotely With Chronic Illness

How I Attend College Classes Remotely With Chronic Illness

As a college student with a disability and chronic illness, there have been times where I’ve been unable to attend my physical classes due to issues with my health or other factors. Luckily, my professors are awesome and allowed me to attend my physical classes…