Veronica With Four Eyes

Tag: 504 plan

Learning to Self-Advocate

Learning to Self-Advocate

My biggest IEP goal, learning to self advocate, and how it has helped me more than I ever imagined

Why I Prefer My Schoolwork Digitally: Updated Edition

Why I Prefer My Schoolwork Digitally: Updated Edition

Why I prefer to receive digital accessible materials instead of print ones

How To Come Up With Sample Accommodations

How To Come Up With Sample Accommodations

When preparing for an IEP meeting, a 504 Plan meeting, or a Disability Services meeting, parents and students will often be asked to come up with sample accommodations that can be used to provide services for students in the classroom. However, it can be very…

Reporting Academic Ableism For Someone Else

Reporting Academic Ableism For Someone Else

Last year, one of my best friends, who I will call Jane, experienced a great deal of academic ableism from a professor in their major. While I wasn’t there to witness what happened in the classroom, I watched Jane suffer from a mental and emotional…

Environmental Accommodations For Low Vision Students

Environmental Accommodations For Low Vision Students

I’ve talked a lot about accommodations for low vision students on my website, though many of my posts have focused on accommodations for print materials or the use of assistive technology. Another important consideration for helping low vision students to thrive in the classroom is…

Tips For Handling Academic Ableism In The Classroom

Tips For Handling Academic Ableism In The Classroom

When I was in middle school, I began to experience academic ableism in the classroom, primarily from my teachers. While I was fortunate to have many wonderful teachers who helped me to develop a love of learning and a sense of belonging in the classroom,…

All About Extended Time Accommodations

All About Extended Time Accommodations

As my eye condition and neurological condition have changed over time, I have received extended time accommodations on all my tests and exams, including standardized tests that I took in high school. When one of my friends was researching extended time accommodations of their own,…

Math Test Accommodations For Low Vision

Math Test Accommodations For Low Vision

Even though I have trouble seeing in all my classes (and outside of my classes for that matter), my math test accommodations for low vision look a bit different than the testing accommodations for my other classes. This is because in math, every letter, number,…

Assistive Technology For Dysgraphia

Assistive Technology For Dysgraphia

I’ve used several different types of assistive technology for dysgraphia over the years, ranging from low-tech/no-tech devices that don’t require any batteries to the use of a computer or tablet that makes it possible for me to type all of my notes and not have…

National Homework Hotline: Free Tutoring For Blind and Visually Impaired Students

National Homework Hotline: Free Tutoring For Blind and Visually Impaired Students

When I receive emails from students and parents asking about free tutoring for blind and visually impaired students, one of the first things I ask them is if they have contacted the National Homework Hotline, provided by VISTAS Education Services. Founded in March 2020 as…

Common Classroom Accommodations For Low Vision

Common Classroom Accommodations For Low Vision

A common question I receive from parents of kids with low vision or people who are losing their sight is about the most common classroom accommodations for low vision students. Even as my vision has changed over time, my accommodations have stayed fairly consistent from…

Paper Size and Low Vision

Paper Size and Low Vision

The other day, I was having a conversation with a teacher of the visually impaired about paper and document sizes for people with low vision. They were wondering how I would choose what documents would be on what size paper, and how I would store…

Dealing With Anxiety About Accommodations

Dealing With Anxiety About Accommodations

There were many times when I was in middle and high school that I had to deal with anxiety related to receiving accommodations in the classroom for my visual impairment. I was not very confident in explaining why I had poor eyesight and even less…

Computer Lab Accommodations For Low Vision Students

Computer Lab Accommodations For Low Vision Students

In my elementary school and both high schools, I spent a lot of time in the computer lab for technology classes and virtual classes, and often had to enable additional accessibility settings each time I used the computer. Since I didn’t have access to any…

Explaining Child Study Teams Using The Scientific Method

Explaining Child Study Teams Using The Scientific Method

Explaining the process of a child study meeting using the scientific method of problem solving.