Veronica With Four Eyes

Reading and Writing

A to Z of Assistive Technology for Reading Digital Text

A to Z of Assistive Technology for Reading Digital Text

When I’m doing research on assistive technology for reading digital text or eBooks, I often search for specific display customization options or accessibility features to determine if this app will be useful for me or for a student/client I’m working with. With students and clients,…

Omnivore App Accessibility and Low Vision

Omnivore App Accessibility and Low Vision

Bookmarking tools are a great way to organize and save web content for later reading, and I use them frequently when conducting research for projects in my grad school classes or for other projects related to my website or other interests. When researching accessible bookmarking…

Wakelet Accessibility Features For Low Vision

Wakelet Accessibility Features For Low Vision

I created my first Wakelet account several years ago after attending a virtual presentation on Wakelet accessibility features, but I didn’t really use it very often until I completed the free self-paced Wakelet Certified course and discovered how I could Wakelet not only with assistive…

How I Use Send-To-Kindle With Low Vision

How I Use Send-To-Kindle With Low Vision

One of my favorite things about the free Amazon Kindle app is the Send-to-Kindle feature, which offers an easy way to sideload content and does not require users to have a Kindle device. Send To Kindle content is added to the device library and can…

Google Reader Mode and Low Vision

Google Reader Mode and Low Vision

For Google Chrome browser users and Android users, Google offers a free simplified reading display application, which applies a consistent font size, font style, and background color to digital text. Reader Mode is a built-in feature for the Google Chrome web browser that can be…

Free Digital Bookmarking Tools For Low Vision

Free Digital Bookmarking Tools For Low Vision

I started using digital bookmarking tools and bookmarking apps to organize research sources, website links, and other multimedia content after I realized that my previous strategy of adding everything to my bookmarks or copying links into a single document wasn’t particularly effective. Learning to use…

Amazon Kindle App and Low Vision Accessibility

Amazon Kindle App and Low Vision Accessibility

I started using the Amazon Kindle app when I was in high school after a textbook for one of my classes was purchased from the Kindle marketplace. It quickly became one of my favorite apps for reading eTextbooks as a student with low vision, because…

Reading Chegg eTextbooks With Low Vision

Reading Chegg eTextbooks With Low Vision

I started using Chegg eTextbooks and their eReader application when I had to rent a digital book for a lab class and couldn’t find it from any other websites that would also support adjustable font sizes for reading- a must-have feature for someone with low…

Mainstream eReader Apps and Low Vision Accessibility

Mainstream eReader Apps and Low Vision Accessibility

Mainstream eReader apps have several low vision accessibility features that allow users to access digital books they have purchased from an online retailer or borrowed from a digital library service. While some applications have limits on what books can be read on their platform (i.e…

How To Create Accessible Classroom Posters For Students With Visual Impairments

How To Create Accessible Classroom Posters For Students With Visual Impairments

When I think of my elementary and middle school classrooms, I often remember the posters and anchor charts that covered the walls, dry-erase boards, bulletin boards, and other surfaces with lots of bold colors and shapes. There was also text on these posters that had…

Writing Aids For Low Vision: My Personal Superlatives

Writing Aids For Low Vision: My Personal Superlatives

As someone with both low vision and dysgraphia, I spent a lot of time in school experimenting with different writing aids, discovering what writing utensils worked best for reading handwriting or drawing a picture, as well as which ones made content difficult or impossible to…

How I Manage Dysgraphia In Online Classes

How I Manage Dysgraphia In Online Classes

While a lot of people associate dysgraphia with illegible or hard-to-read handwriting, dysgraphia can often extend to difficulties with typing and other types of written expression as well. Even though I type all of my notes and assignments for my online classes, my dysgraphia doesn’t…

Using The Envision App With Low Vision

Using The Envision App With Low Vision

I’m always looking for new functions and ways to use different features in visual assistance applications, and first downloaded the Envision app a few years ago when my friend was raving about its text recognition features at a low vision accessibility event we were both…

How I Use Microsoft Lens With Low Vision

How I Use Microsoft Lens With Low Vision

Take notes and create accessible materials in about 90 seconds with Microsoft Office Lens

How To Adapt Puzzle Games For Low Vision

How To Adapt Puzzle Games For Low Vision

When I was in elementary school, my parents would buy large print word search and other puzzle books that would keep me entertained for hours at home or on a long drive. Over time, the font size of the large print puzzle books has become…