Veronica With Four Eyes

SQLiteStudio and Low Vision

For one of my classes as an IT major and two of my classes as a data science major, I’ve used the program SQLiteStudio for homework and classwork related to the SQL programming language. A lot of professors teach students to use SQL using this program, and I’ve learned several different ways it can be adapted for students with visual impairment who are learning SQL. Here are my tips for using SQLiteStudio with low vision and how I use it as a data science and assistive technology major.

What is SQLiteStudio?

SQLiteStudio is an open-source free database software that is self-contained, meaning it doesn’t connect to outside programs. As mentioned, many professors use it to teach SQL programming for students in majors such as business, IT, software engineering, and data science. It is also used by many professionals who work with SQL in their day jobs. Users can download SQLiteStudio for free online for Windows, MacOS, and Linux directly from the developer’s website.

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Adjusting colors in SQLiteStudio

Did you know that you can set custom color schemes for SQLiteStudio? This is a great thing to set up for use alongside other accessibility settings such as large print and magnification.

To configure SQLiteStudio with custom colors, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the “Tools” menu on the ribbon
  2. Open the configuration dialog (or press F2 on the keyboard)
  3. Collapse the “Look and Feel” menu and select the Colors section
  4. Adjust colors for each category as needed, including the background, line colors, and many other settings.

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Use SQLiteStudio with large print

To configure SQLiteStudio with large print, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the “Tools” menu on the ribbon
  2. Open the configuration dialog (or press F2 on the keyboard)
  3. Collapse the “Look and Feel” menu and select the Fonts section
  4. Adjust font size and types for individual categories by selecting the button next to the text

I have slightly different font sizes for each section to help improve readability. Since I frequently work with the SQL Editor, I have this section set to Consolas 24 pt font, since this is how I read my queries and check them for errors. The data view is set to MS Shell Dig 2 in 18 pt font to avoid having information cut off. I prefer to use magnification to read other information as needed so these are the only sections with large print.

What I use it for

  • Typing text in the SQL editor
  • Displaying output in large print
  • Examining the database structure
  • Reading data as needed

Sample large print query

Here is what a query in size 24 pt font looks like in SQLiteStudio. This is just a random query that would select all of my posts that start with the letters SQL from a database of my posts.

SQL query in large print which reads: Select post_name FROM Veroniiiica WHERE post_name LIKE 'SQL%'

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Screen Magnification for SQLiteStudio

If I am working on an unfamiliar computer and can’t enlarge the text as large as I would like, I like to use the magnification software built into my computer to magnify the SQLiteStudio text as much as I can. Even when I have everything in large print, I will use screen magnification to enlarge certain information.

When working with screen magnification, I prefer to use the lens view and take my hand off of my mouse when I am typing to keep it from accidentally shifting. The exact percentage I use for magnification changes depending on my eye fatigue, but I typically keep it at 400% since the icons are so small.

What I use it for

  • Magnifying line numbers
  • Reading dialog boxes
  • Navigating the ribbon on top of the screen
  • Enlarging labels on different windows to read their text labels

Related links

Use SQLiteStudio with a screen reader

I’ve used SQLiteStudio with both NVDA and large print, moving my mouse over the icons as needed. Icon names are read out loud, with some being read out loud twice. It took a little bit of adjusting to learn how to navigate SQLiteStudio with a screen reader, but it can be done.

What I use it for

  • Reading labels for items in the toolbar and ribbon
  • Checking information in a dialog box
  • Having the output read out loud

Final thoughts

I’m grateful to have professors that allow me to experiment with accessibility settings until I find something that I can read with ease, and am glad to be able to share this information for others who may not have the time to figure out what accessibility settings work best for them. With these tips, you will be able to easily learn how to use SQLiteStudio with low vision!

SQLiteStudio and Low Vision. How I use the SQLiteStudio software in my IT and data science classes as a student with low vision